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Meet Allison Garrett of Prison Break Coaching and Pamper Perfect Mobile Spa

Today we’d like to introduce you to Allison Garrett

Hi Allison, so excited to have you on the platform. So before we get into questions about your work-life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today?
My journey has been one of self-discovery, growth, and helping others do the same. I began my career in the beauty and wellness industry, where I quickly realized that helping people look their best on the outside wasn’t enough—I wanted to help them transform from the inside out as well. Through my own personal experiences, I uncovered the importance of healing from generational trauma and finding one’s true self. This realization led me to expand my services into coaching, focusing on helping individuals—especially women—overcome past wounds and unlock their full potential.

Along the way, I developed tools like breakthrough assessments and personalized coaching programs that not only address surface-level concerns but also dive deep into emotional and psychological healing. Today, I offer high-ticket coaching programs designed to guide my clients through transformational breakthroughs, while still maintaining a focus on beauty and wellness. My journey has brought me to a place where I get to empower others to live authentically and boldly, free from the limitations of their past. It’s been a rewarding path, and I’m excited for what lies ahead as I continue to help others find their light.

I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
The road has definitely not been smooth, and there were many points where I could have given up. I lost both of my parents early on, which left me with a deep sense of loss and uncertainty. As a teenager, I found myself navigating an unplanned pregnancy and entered into an abusive relationship that took a toll on my self-esteem and sense of safety. On top of that, I faced periods of homelessness, where I wasn’t sure how I’d get through the next day.

Incarceration was another part of my journey, and it felt like life had fully stacked the odds against me. Being incarcerated was one of the lowest moments of my life, but it also became a turning point. It gave me time to reflect, heal, and realize that even in the darkest moments, there’s an opportunity for redemption and growth.

All these experiences—losing my parents, teenage pregnancy, abuse, homelessness, and incarceration—were incredibly challenging, but they also shaped my resilience. They taught me that I am capable of overcoming anything. Today, I draw on these experiences to help others who feel trapped in their circumstances. I want people to know that no matter where they come from or what they’ve been through, there’s always hope for transformation and a brighter future.

Great, so let’s talk business. Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
My business journey started with Pamper Perfect Mobile Spa, a luxury spa service that brings the spa experience directly to clients’ homes, events, or workplaces. It wasn’t just about providing beauty and wellness services; it was about creating a space where people could feel relaxed, pampered, and rejuvenated—both physically and emotionally. Over time, I realized that while my clients were enjoying the spa services, many of them were also seeking deeper transformation in their lives. They weren’t just looking for external beauty; they were searching for internal healing and growth.

This led me to expand my offerings into coaching. The success of the mobile spa gave me the platform to truly understand what my clients needed—beyond self-care—and how I could guide them toward personal breakthroughs. Now, in addition to beauty and wellness, I focus on helping people heal from generational trauma, break free from past limitations, and discover their true selves. My coaching programs are designed to empower clients to step into their authentic selves and live life boldly and unapologetically.

What sets me apart from others is the way I integrate both external beauty and internal transformation. My mobile spa business continues to thrive, offering a luxurious and convenient experience, while my coaching business dives deep into emotional and spiritual healing. The two businesses complement each other because I believe true beauty starts from within. When clients feel good about themselves emotionally and mentally, it radiates outward.

What I’m most proud of brand-wise is how I’ve been able to create safe spaces for my clients—whether through a relaxing spa treatment or a deep coaching session—where they can find healing, clarity, and self-love. My services cater to the whole person, from the inside out.

For readers, I want them to know that whether they’re looking for a pampering spa experience or ready to take the next step toward personal transformation, my brand is here to support them. I offer breakthrough coaching sessions, personalized assessments, and programs designed to help people overcome trauma and step into their purpose. At the same time, my mobile spa allows people to prioritize self-care, which is a critical part of overall wellness.

Ultimately, my brand is all about transformation—both physically and emotionally. Whether it’s through a luxurious spa day or a life-changing coaching session, my goal is to help people feel empowered, beautiful, and ready to embrace their best selves.

Is there any advice you’d like to share with our readers who might just be starting out?
Starting out on a new venture can be both exciting and daunting. Here are a few pieces of advice I wish I had known when I was beginning my journey:

Embrace the Learning Curve: Understand that the early stages are all about learning and growth. You’ll make mistakes, and that’s okay. Each mistake is an opportunity to learn and improve. Be patient with yourself and embrace the process.

Find Your Unique Value: Identify what sets you apart from others in your field. It could be your approach, your background, or a unique aspect of your service. Focus on what makes you special and use that to differentiate yourself.

Build a Strong Network: Surround yourself with supportive people who can offer guidance, mentorship, and encouragement. Networking with others in your industry can provide valuable insights and open doors to opportunities you might not find on your own.

Invest in Self-Care: It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and forget to take care of yourself. Prioritize self-care and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Your well-being is crucial for long-term success and sustainability.

Be Prepared for Challenges: Understand that challenges are a natural part of any entrepreneurial journey. Whether it’s financial struggles, personal setbacks, or unexpected obstacles, facing them head-on with resilience and a positive mindset will help you overcome them.

Stay True to Your Vision: It’s important to stay focused on your long-term goals and vision. Don’t get sidetracked by temporary setbacks or distractions. Your passion and determination will drive you forward.

Seek Feedback and Adapt: Be open to feedback from clients, mentors, and peers. Use it constructively to adapt and refine your approach. Flexibility and adaptability are key to staying relevant and successful.

Celebrate Small Wins: Don’t wait for the big milestones to celebrate. Recognize and appreciate the small achievements along the way. They build momentum and keep you motivated.

Remember, the journey is just as important as the destination. Stay committed, keep learning, and don’t be afraid to take bold steps. Your unique path will lead you to success, and every challenge you overcome will make you stronger and more capable.

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