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Hidden Gems: Meet Tabitha Dillard-Turner of Tabby’s Vanity

Today we’d like to introduce you to Tabitha Dillard-turner

Tabitha, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
Growing up in Baltimore City provided an environment of creativity and resilience. These two traits have been front and center in my skincare and self care journey; as being a mother of five little girls requires a certain level of creativity and resilience. Tabby’s Vanity is a testament and a love song to every person who seeks to define what makes them feel the most confident. What exudes more confidence than being comfortable in our own skin? I began Tabby’s Vanity in 2021 at the height of a global pandemic after my father passed due to his fight with COVID-19. I knew I needed to create something to help others and I haven’t turned back since. Through the pathway of skincare products, I have been able to meet amazing people. I have the honor and privilege to increase confidence and amplify experiences in beauty regimens. Getting creative and being resilient has been the soundtrack of my life and now I get to add to that rich melody.

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
The road has not always been a smooth one. Managing grief can be unpredictable. Additionally, I am a proud girl mom to five beautiful young ladies. Navigating motherhood, marriage, work, and a business can be head spinning. When life gets tough, I remember why I started and I rely on discipline and consistency to push through. Also, life can be beautifully challenging and its important to have a response of self care and rest to recharge.

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know?
Tabby’s Vanity is a handcrafted and natural skincare brand. We provide a variety of skincare goodies like body butter, scrubs, soaps, and cosmetics. We are most known for our whipped body butter. They boast skin loving oils and they make your skin feel and smell delicious. What makes us unique is our pledge to use recycled plastics for packaging and our commitment to incorporate ingredients that are ethically sourced. I am most proud of our brand’s commitment to relationship building. As a small business, I have the flexibility to foster relationships with customers and it is the highlight of my professional experience. Tabby’s Vanity is a love letter!

Where do you see things going in the next 5-10 years?
In the future I can see skincare getting back to the basics. I see there is a huge push from consumers to simplify ingredients and I think this is spectacular. Cleanse. Tone. Moisturize. The industry is becoming more solution oriented and its refreshing to be a part of.


  • Body Butter Starting at $4.99

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