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Daily Inspiration: Meet Jarron Person

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jarron Person

Hi Jarron, we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
when i was a kid i used to draw and play videogames a lot but get into trouble in school and used to go from foster home to foster home then through mental institutions, every now and then i used to fight depending on how people treat me, once i was 19 i went to jail for assault and battery then when to an asylum after being thrown in isolation for fighting another cell mate. when i got to the asylum they had a piano i played at recreation time, the nurse who looked over the patients saw i was good at playing by ear so they figured they bring a music teacher to help me with playing the piano and more instruments.

i wasn’t too good at playing sheet music i found out because i tried play fur elise which was one of my favorite pieces by beethoven, i was very into asian culture as well so she taught me a little mandarin, when i got out of the asylum whenever i see a piano i ask to play their piano even when i was homeless. once i moved to arizona to get a job that would employ me i started working different jobs, then came back to the city i was born in which is baltimore to help with my sister’s store , i caught back up with a person i met in one of the group homes i was in (rapper) named relentless, we was in a rap group called poetry in motion i did spoken word while he rapped, he wanted me to help him with editing his videos, since i was a streamer on twitch and youtube and got familiar with videography, i said yes so i started helping him edit his videos while editing my own.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
life wasn’t really easy for me like i said before i got into a lot of fights. i was a rebel because i wanted to know who was my real parents, i couldn’t hold a job for a long time so i became homeless. i started getting better luck when i worked in a place called noble hops and i would of stayed there for 3 years but we fell out of business and i moved to baltimore to help my sister.

Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
i worked with amazon , cafe 54, walmart, atwaters, etc i specialize in dishwashing, and picking but my main skills are modifying my own pcs, drawing cover art, videography, and learning code through linux.

Can you share something surprising about yourself?
i have a wild free spirit side that like to do whatever he wants say anything that would bring out people sides that they like to hide from people and will wear anything he wants and don’t care if people look at me differently. why i say this is because i own show my nice side for survival purposes.

Contact Info:

  • Instagram: dethbygamer
  • Facebook: dethbygamervids
  • Twitter: dethbygamer
  • Youtube: dethbygamer
  • Other: dethbygamer on tiktok twitch youtube fanbase and x

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