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Check Out Michael Zampi’s Story

Today we’d like to introduce you to Michael Zampi

Hi Michael, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today?
I started my creative journey when I was very young (age eight) taking drum and guitar lessons, building forts in the woods, building skateboards and go-carts, wood carvings, and later rebuilding and customizing my van, home remodeling projects, landscape design classes, interior design, general contracting courses, building furniture, creating stained glass pieces, designing and creating exotic charcuterie boards, making wine, gardening, mosaics, and building a camper during COVID. During my lifetime I have performed in numerous live music bands and I have recorded 13 albums. When I was graduating from high school my guidance counselor asked me what I wanted to be and I told him I wanted to be an architect. He said that I didn’t have any art classes or experience so he told me that being an architect was not an option. I pressed on and I went on to design, build, or remodel five homes during my life. I also put myself through college and received degrees in Business, Chemical Engineering, and Computer Science.

I have written and recorded 13 albums (three more to be released in 2025). My music catalog is with BMI and BMG International. My music can be found on Spotify, iTunes, Amazon, Bandcamp, documentaries, films, commercials, TV shows, etc. globally. I also produce videos of myself performing my original music and can be found on YouTube under Michael Zampi. I also post my music performances on Facebook and Instagram.

I create one of a kind exotic wood pieces, original music compositions, stained glass pieces, mosaics, and larger projects like building a camper, or major household renovations. All mediums intrigue me and inspire me. The medium could be glass, metal, ceramics, wood, musical instruments, technology.. To me it is all about the creative process and developing a one-of-a-kind finished product.

I love creating one-of-a-kind pieces out of wood, stained glass, composing and recording original music, or acting. I get totally lost in what I’m creating and go for hours and not notice what time it is. I usually wake up each morning enthusiastically and ready to re-engage with my projects.

I learn as much as possible in said discipline and figure out how to create something that is pleasing to the senses visually or auditorily. When I was younger I was always on the outside looking inward on how to be creative. As an adult I am on the inside and looking out at the world and representing what I see in a different way. Throughout my life I have always had passion that has fueled my creativity.

I believe in doing at least one creative thing a day, and that philosophy leads to multiple creative things a day. I read manuals to understand how each tool works so that I can get the best results while building a new project. I watch music videos to learn new techniques for the various musical instruments that I play. When there is a new musical genre that interests me, I focus my effort until I achieve my goals of being able to create in a new musical genre. I typically work at writing and recording music each day for several hours to accomplish my goals. With woodworking – I have a schedule of what I desire to accomplish with each creation and I work until I have exceeded my expectations.

Whenever I see or hear something that is beautiful I am inspired to challenge myself to create something that inspires others. Whether the object is a beautifully architected home or building, or a great interior design, or a moving musical composition, a gorgeous piece of furniture with inlay, a stunning guitar finish, a mesmerizing nature scene, etc. I have never had any mentors. Everything I do is self taught.

I always wanted to be an actor from my teens to present-day. I imagined myself in Sit-Coms such as Friends, or Cheers. I have also loved Rom-Coms too. My acting path began two years ago. My stepson’s girlfriend is an amazing actor and we were talking about the field of acting. She recommended that I start as a background actor. So I went online and searched for background acting opportunities and I filled out the paperwork with several agencies and my first gig was acting as a Shopper in the series named, “Lady in the Lake.” From that experience I was hired several more times as different characters in that same series. I had speaking lines with Natalie Portman my second day onset which enabled me to be invited to the Screen Actors Guild (SAG). My role was a newspaper reporter in the office bullpen and I was asked to ad lib some lines with Natalie. We were onset together for five days in that role. I also played a police officer, a walker, and I was asked to play the accordion in a Polka Band on stage by the waterfront in Baltimore. The series is currently aired on AppleTV.

My second opportunity was as a patron and a dancer at The Hamptons Resort and Dance Club in the series Special Ops – Lioness with Zoe Saldana & Nicole Kidman. The series aired on Hulu.

My third opportunity was for a mid-Atlantic Behavioral Healthcare facility (INOVA) commercial where I was the Principal Lead and I also performed the voiceover for the commercial.

My fourth opportunity was a character who was in drug rehab. The production took place in Philadelphia, PA and will air on AppleTV under the name, “Catamount.”

My fifth opportunity was a national healthcare (CareFirst) commercial where I rode a road bike to the finish line of a race.

When woodworking I love designing and creating different patterns with exotic woods from around the world. I enjoy making each project unique and I do not duplicate any projects. If I am creating a stained glass piece I love designing bird images, and lighthouses. From a musical perspective I enjoy learning the music theory of different genres of music and then I write in that genre that inspires me. I learn that musical style while playing a wide range of instruments, e.g. guitar, bass, drums, percussion, keyboards, steel drums, ukulele, mandolin, harmonica, and singing. I believe that every song is typically a folk song. It starts out with a single instrument, chord progression, lyrics, and melody. That folk song can be developed into any genre of music by changing the rhythmic pattern, time signature, heartbeat, and groove of the song. Overall, whether it is a wood project, home remodeling project, music, or stained glass project, I feel very fulfilled when I am creating something new. My passion is my joy while being creative.

I have always loved mountain climbing, hiking, kayaking, golfing, running, cycling, travel, art, and adventure. Being in nature inspires me and grounds me. Being in the mountains on a lake even more so. I have traveled to numerous national parks around the world and I love taking a lot of pictures. When I return home I look at the 1000’s of pictures I had taken and the beauty inspires me to write and record more music.

It is never too late in life to start anything creative. Whether it is to learn how to paint, draw, learn a new musical instrument, a language, go back to college or a trade school, sport, or travel. Being creative brings inner peace, joy, fulfillment, and it stokes passion and a different way to see life and understand other people. It all starts with a spark of some sort that fuels our desire, passion and joy. When I was five years old I remember putting on a Charlie Byrd (latin jazz guitarist) album on the hi-fi and listening so intently. He inspired me to want to play guitar just like him. Something so simple as listening to music so beautiful truly shaped my life. I wrote a manuscript called, “Passion into Power” that describes my life and how I overcame my life challenges. I will begin attempting to get it published soon. I have always lived each day as if it was my last. I have an aggressive cancer that has come back three times in the last five years and this life-threatening challenge continues to fuel my passion and creativity even moreso. I never give up hope and I live each day with a purpose. Life is beautiful (and short), and I have never taken it for granted. I keep smiling with gratitude each day.

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
Life is not really fair or kind and I believe we are all the same in terms of survival and trying to get ahead in life. I also believe we need to create our own opportunities and persevere with direction and determination. We cannot choose the families we are brought up in, but we can choose how to grow from challenging childhoods and become the best version of ourselves. My upbringing taught me that I am the only one who can shape my life in a positive and productive way, be responsible for the person I have developed over my life time, and nurture my relationships that continure to bring me love and support.

Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
I started my professional career at DuPont Corporate in Wilmington, DE as a software engineer and then onto a project manager during my first five years. From there I worked at JPMorgan (Wallstreet and Delaware) for five years as a services level coordinator, writing executive financial and technology outage summaries, and finally a critical situation manager for The New York Stock Exchange. Following that experience I worked for a software firm called Sybase and worked as a Customer Success Manager (CSM) for three years. I went on to work for Sun Microsystem as a Sr. CSM for the hardware/software units and worked my way up to become the Director of North America Teleco Sector. I decided to resign and do something fun so I sold real estate and then four years later the real estate market and financial mortgage firms bottomed out, and I went back to work at BEA Systems as a Sr. CSM. Later I worked at Oracle as a Sr. Principle CSM and I was the liaison between Fortune 20 companies executives and the executive management team at Oracle. Ten years later I worked for a Cyber Analytics company called Splunk and I was a Sr. Principle CSM, and had additional responsibilites of building a global onboarding program for new CSM hires. Overall, I worked 30 years in the software and hardware industries.

So, before we go, how can our readers or others connect or collaborate with you? How can they support you?
I collaborate with other musicians in my recording studio when I am hired to produce and record their music albums. My clients ask me to create the musical instruments scores as well as help write lyrics for their songs. Additionally, I help my clients build an online presence that helps to market their talents.


  • Recording clients albums $50 per hour
  • Music lessons $35 per half hour

Contact Info:

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