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Check Out Héctor L. E. Olivencia Huertas’s Story

Today we’d like to introduce you to Héctor L. E. Olivencia Huertas

Héctor L. E., we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
It all started in 2016 when randomly in a conference I decided to join the Puerto Rico’s Muscular Dystrophy Association Summer Camp as a volunteer… Two years later I was with the same organization in Florida, US in their camp for two years. Then during the pandemic in the virtual program I was selected nationwide within all the counselors as “The 2021 Stone Weeks Rock Star Volunteer Award”. During this program I meet virtually a counselor that introduced me to Experience Camps (camp for grieving children) and next year I was joining the organization that gave me purpose and direction in my life. I started working in my dissertation project to be a Doctor in Clinical Psychology in Grieving Children in Puerto Rico; which is not a thing that is talked. In both organizations I’ve been shouted out. In ExCamps I’m known as a Camp Legend… I love and enjoy what I do! My kids at camp know that Hector is there in every aspect even though I haven’t experienced the loss of a loved one like them. Is not about going as a clinician to camp; is about being human. My doctoral degree would never give me the experience and the lessons that kids, staff and every person gives to me in this organizations. Recently I joined “Proyecto Somos Sin Paredes” in a camp program for functional diversity adults (disabled adults) which is going in the same direction of my development as a human being.

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
The struggles at first were the language when I started traveling to camps and of course they were in my mind because I’m fully bilingual… Even though I can say that the road was smooth overall. I had and have my challenges upon every step on the way, but the way I see it is that they will have the weight you give to them. In every successfull story we have to address the tasks and challenges that preceded; wich in my case where emotional and spiritual ones. In life you will encounter yourself with people that does not quietly like your “shinning” life and decide to become rock and stones in the road; and this is everywhere. But, when you surround yourself with the correct people and put all your support system into action; everything hits different. My faith, my family, my friends, my students are the most important things that sustained me along the way and keep doing so. As I write my story for this article;I just went through one of the biggest tasks that life brought to me: I was not re contracted in the job I was for ten years; an all because proven false accusations; a person used my success against me… yes like that. My students and RH knew me and how I was at my job; thats whats keep me moving, I’m proud of myself and my performance for the past ten years. So, yes … the road of success is very interesting.

Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I’m a Clinical Psychologist Doctoral candidate, this is my last year as a doctoral student. My dissertation project is being developed in a research that I’m conducting on how grief in children and adolescents is addressed and worked on by Clinical Psychologists in Puerto Rico. Grief is a thing that isn’t talked easely in our country, and yet is the proven cause for depression, anxiety, behavioral and other mental health related problems in adulthood. In children; based on my findings, grief is related to the academic performance and development of the child. This is basically my work as a PsyD candidate. On the other hand; I work a full time remote job in order to sustain myself economically until I can open my private practice and bring to life all my dreams. Also I’m working on growing my social media engagement in my regular and professional accounts. I’m a person with a variety of things that I do… I’m very extroverted; and so my social media shows that. That’s why I’m known for my adventures in camps and my Instagram Reels… lol. Finally, I’m content creator for my local church which also adds to my life and growth.

I’m most proud of myself… the way I had opened my way in a different direction as society standard establishes. I’m proud of how I’m shaping my professional career and motivating others to do so. I’m proud of how I keep growing personally and professionally simultaneously. Also I’m proud of every single person that has helped me and keeps helping me to succeed in life.

Before we let you go, we’ve got to ask if you have any advice for those who are just starting out?
“Take the risk!!! If you feel afraid… DO IT!”, “Everything is a mirror”; these are part of my rule for life. Sometimes we have a certain way of how we want things to happen and to do so we also have ways to but; take in mind that we have to let life do its job while we manifest and declare things to be. I had learned that I have to let life do its job for me; not to push things, just let them be and look through to discover the opportunity within it that leads you to the main goal in life. Also, cry as much as you need, laugh as much you need, yeal as much as you need, run but not escape… embrace, hug and love yourself every step on the way. No matter how much time it takes; just move forward. It isn’t about how much time it takes; it’s about getting there safe and sound, healthy and well established to fully enjoy all that you have earned. Finally, success isn’t about money and wealth… the real success is who you become and what you do with it; wealth and money yes they are going to be there. My point is; focus on yourself and not on how much money you can make; it eventually comes smooth and easy.

Love, laugh, hug and live ….

Contact Info:

  • Instagram: @almostdr.h or @eiramoli7

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